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Text File | 1984-01-06 | 24.8 KB | 1,006 lines |
- SDB - a Simple Database System
- by David Betz
- 114 Davenport Ave.
- Manchester, NH 03103
- (603) 625-4691
- Converted to the IBM/PC by
- David N. Smith
- 44 Ole Musket Lane
- Danbury, CT 06810
- (203) 748-5934
- SDB is a simple database manager for small systems. It was
- developed to provide a relatively low overhead system for
- storing data on machines with limited disk and memory
- resources. The current version runs on a PDT-11/150 with 2
- RX01 floppy disk drives and 60K bytes of memory under the
- RT-11 operating system. (it also runs on the VAX under VMS)
- SDB was originally intended to be a relational database
- system, so many of the terms used in describing it are taken
- from the relational database literature. Within the context
- of SDB the user can safely make the following associations:
- 1. RELATION can be taken to mean FILE
- 2. TUPLE can be taken to mean RECORD
- 3. ATTRIBUTE can be taken to mean FIELD
- It should be noted that SDB is not a relationally complete
- system. It provides the relational operations of SELECT,
- PROJECT, and JOIN, but does not provide the set operations
- of UNION, INTERSECTION, or DIFFERENCE as well as some
- others.
- SDB maintains a separate file for each relation that the
- user creates. This file contains a header block containing
- the definition of the relation including the names and types
- of all of the relation's attributes. The remainder of the
- file contains fixed length records each containing one tuple
- from the relation.
- Tuples can be of three types:
- 1. active - tuples that contain actual active data
- 2. deleted - tuples that have been deleted
- 3. unused - tuples that haven't been used yet
- SDB - a Simple Database System Page 2
- Initially, all tuples are unused. When a new tuple is
- stored into a relation, the first unused tuple is found
- (they are all contiguous at the end of the relation file).
- The new tuple is stored as an active tuple.
- When a tuple is deleted, it is marked as such. The space
- previously allocated to the deleted tuple is left unused
- until the relation is compressed.
- It is possible that when attempting to store a new tuple, no
- unused tuple can be found even though the relation contains
- fewer than the maximum active tuples. This happens when
- tuples have been deleted since the time the relation file
- was last compressed.
- The compress function allows all of the space lost by
- deleting tuples to be regained. It does this by copying all
- of the active tuples as far backward in the file as possible
- leaving all of the available space toward the end of the
- file.
- A selection expression specifies a set of tuples over which
- some SDB operation is to be executed. The syntax for a
- selection expression is:
- <rse> ::= <rnames> [ where <boolean> ]
- <rnames> ::= <rname> [ , <rname> ] ...
- <rname> ::= <relation-name> [ <alias> ]
- When a single relation name is specified in a selection
- expression, each tuple within that relation becomes a
- candidate for selection.
- When more than one relation name is specified, the tuples
- are formed by taking the cross product of all specified
- relations. If a relation is to be crossed with itself, an
- alias must be given to one or both of the occurances of that
- relation name in the selection expression. This allows SDB
- to determine which relation occurance is being refered to in
- the boolean part of the selection expression.
- After the set of candidate tuples is determined, the boolean
- expression is evaluated for each candidate. The candidates
- for which the boolean expression evaluates to TRUE become
- the selected tuples.
- SDB - a Simple Database System Page 3
- When SDB is first run, it attempts to read and process
- commands from a file named "SDB.INI". This file usually
- contains macro definitions, but can contain any valid SDB
- command. In addition, it is possible to process command
- files from within SDB. This is done by typing an '@'
- followed by the command file name after the SDB prompt.
- Whenever a file name is allowed in the syntax for a command,
- it is possible to use either an identifier or a quoted
- string. An identifier is interpreted as the file name and a
- string is interpreted as a full file specification. The
- string form allows for the specification of an alternate
- device or extension.
- A form definition file contains a template into which
- attribute values are substituted during a print operation.
- There are two types of information that can be included in a
- form definition:
- 1. Literal text
- 2. Attribute references
- Attribute references are indicated by placing the name of
- the attribute being referenced between a pair of angle
- brackets. Literal text is anything that is not enclosed in
- angle brackets.
- SDB - a Simple Database System Page 4
- Example:
- ________
- print using test amount,category from checks;
- Where test.frm contains:
- Amount: <amount>
- Category: <category>
- When a relation or attribute name is specified in a print
- statement, it is possible to provide an alternate name for
- that relation or attribute. This is useful for relations,
- when it is necessary to join a relation to itself. It is
- useful for attributes when it is desired that the column
- headers in a table be different from the actual attribute
- names. Also, alternate attribute names can be used in
- references to that attribute in the where clause as well as
- in a form definition file. The syntax for specifying
- aliases is:
- <name> <alias>
- Example:
- ________
- print using test amount a,category c from checks;
- Where test.frm contains:
- Amount: <a>
- Category: <c>
- SDB - a Simple Database System Page 5
- The syntax for boolean expressions:
- <expr> ::= <land> [ '|' <land> ]
- <land> ::= <relat> [ '&' <relat> ]
- <relat> ::= <primary> [ <relop> <primary> ]
- <primary> ::= <term> [ <addop> <term> ]
- <term> ::= <unary> [ <mulop> <unary> ]
- <unary> ::= <factor> | <unop> <unary>
- <factor> ::= <operand> | '(' <expr> ')'
- <operand> ::= <number> | <string> | <attribute>
- <attribute> ::= [ <rname> . ] <aname>
- <relop> ::= '=' | '<>' | '<' | '>' | '<=' | '>='
- <addop> ::= '+' | '-'
- <mulop> ::= '*' | '/'
- <unop> ::= '+' | '-' | '~'
- Operators:
- 1. '=' - equal
- 2. '<>' - not equal
- 3. '<' - less than
- 4. '>' - greater than
- 5. '<=' - less than or equal
- 6. '>=' - greater than or equal
- 7. '+' - addition or unary plus (not implemented)
- 8. '-' - subraction or unary minus (not implemented)
- 9. '*' - multiplication (not implemented)
- 10. '/' - division (not implemented)
- 11. '&' - logical and
- 12. '|' - logical or
- 13. '~' - logical not
- Operands:
- 1. number - a string of digits containing at most one
- decimal point
- 2. string - a string of characters enclosed in double
- quotes
- SDB - a Simple Database System Page 6
- 3. attribute - an attribute name optionally qualified
- by a relation name
- SDB - a Simple Database System Page 7
- Function:
- _________
- Create a relation file
- Format:
- _______
- create <rname> ( <alist> ) <size>
- Rules:
- ______
- 1. <rname> is the name of the relation file
- 2. <alist> is a list of attribute definitions of the
- form:
- <aname> { char | num } <size>
- where:
- 1. <aname> is the name of the attribute
- 2. the type of the attribute is either "char" or
- "num"
- 3. <size> is the number of bytes allocated to the
- attribute value
- 3. <size> is the maximum number of tuples the file is
- to hold
- Example:
- ________
- create checks (
- number num 4
- date char 8
- payee char 20
- amount num 8
- category char 5
- ) 200
- This command creates a relation file named "checks.sdb" with
- attributes "number", "date", "payee", "amount", and
- "category" and space to store 200 tuples.
- SDB - a Simple Database System Page 8
- Function:
- _________
- Insert tuples into a relation
- Format:
- _______
- insert <rname>
- Rules:
- ______
- 1. <rname> is the name of a relation
- 2. the user will be prompted for the values of the
- attributes for the tuple to be inserted
- 3. a null response to an attribute prompt will
- terminate tuple entry
- 4. if a null value is desired, a single space can be
- entered
- SDB - a Simple Database System Page 9
- Function:
- _________
- Delete tuples from a set of relations
- Format:
- _______
- delete <rse> ;
- Rules:
- ______
- 1. <rse> is a tuple selection expression
- 2. selected tuples are deleted
- Example:
- ________
- delete checks where category = "junk";
- SDB - a Simple Database System Page 10
- Function:
- _________
- Update the values of selected attributes in selected tuples
- Format:
- _______
- update { <attrs> | * } from <rse> ;
- Rules:
- ______
- 1. <attrs> is a list of attribute names to be updated
- 2. * means all attributes
- 3. <rse> is a tuple selection expression
- 4. for each set of selected tuples, the user is
- prompted for new values for the selected attributes
- 5. a null response to an attribute prompt will retain
- the previous attribute value
- 6. if a null value is desired, a single space can be
- entered
- Example:
- ________
- update amount,category from checks where number > 10;
- SDB - a Simple Database System Page 11
- Function:
- _________
- Print a table of values of selected attributes
- Format:
- _______
- print [ using <fname> ] { <attrs> | * } from <rse> [ into
- <fname> ] ;
- Rules:
- ______
- 1. using <fname> indicates output using a form
- definition file (.FRM)
- 2. <attrs> is a list of attribute names to be printed
- 3. * means all attributes
- 4. <rse> is a tuple selection expression
- 5. <fname> is the name of an file to which the table
- will be output (.TXT)
- 6. if the output file name is omitted, output is to
- the terminal
- 7. for each set of selected tuples, a table entry is
- printed containing the selected attributes
- Example:
- ________
- print payee,amount from checks where category = "junk";
- SDB - a Simple Database System Page 12
- Function:
- _________
- Import tuples from a file into a relation
- Format:
- _______
- import <fname> into <rname>
- Rules:
- ______
- 1. <fname> is the name of the input file (.DAT)
- 2. the input file contains the values of the tuple
- attributes with each on a separate line
- 3. <rname> is the name of a relation
- 4. tuples are appended to the named relation
- SDB - a Simple Database System Page 13
- Function:
- _________
- Export tuples from a relation into a file
- Format:
- _______
- export <rname> [ into <fname> ] ;
- Rules:
- ______
- 1. <rname> is the name of a relation
- 2. <fname> is the name of the output file (.DAT)
- 3. if the output file name is omitted, output is to
- the terminal
- 4. tuples are written to the output file with one
- attribute value per line
- SDB - a Simple Database System Page 14
- Function:
- _________
- Extract the definition of a relation into a file
- Format:
- _______
- extract <rname> [ into <fname> ] ;
- Rules:
- ______
- 1. <rname> is the name of a relation
- 2. <fname> is the name of the output file (.DEF)
- 3. if the output file name is omitted, output is to
- the terminal
- 4. the definition of the relation is written to the
- output file
- SDB - a Simple Database System Page 15
- Function:
- _________
- Compress a relation file
- Format:
- _______
- compress <rname>
- Rules:
- ______
- 1. <rname> is the name of a relation file
- 2. tuples are copied toward the front of the relation
- file such that any space freed by previously
- deleted tuples becomes adjacent to the free space
- at the end of the file, thus becoming available for
- use in inserting new tuples
- SDB - a Simple Database System Page 16
- Function:
- _________
- Sort a relation file
- Format:
- _______
- sort <rname> by <sname> { , <sname } ... ;
- Rules:
- ______
- 1. <rname> is the name of a relation file
- 2. <sname> is the name of an attribute to sort on
- followed optionally by "ascending" or "descending"
- 3. if a sort order is not specified, ascending is
- assumed
- 4. tuples within the relation are sorted in place
- using the attributes indicated
- SDB - a Simple Database System Page 17
- Function:
- _________
- Define a macro
- Format:
- _______
- define <mname>
- Rules:
- ______
- 1. <mname> is the name of the macro being defined
- 2. if a macro with the specified name already exists,
- it is replaced
- 3. after entering the define command, definition mode
- is entered
- 4. definition mode is indicated by the prompt
- "SDB-DEF>"
- 5. all lines typed in definition mode are added to the
- macro definition
- 6. a blank line terminates definition mode
- 7. a macro can be deleted by entering a blank line as
- the only line in the definition
- 8. after a macro is defined, every occurance of the
- macro name is replaced by the macro definition
- SDB - a Simple Database System Page 18
- Function:
- _________
- Show a macro definition
- Format:
- _______
- show <mname>
- Rules:
- ______
- 1. <mname> is the name of a macro whose definition is
- to be shown
- SDB - a Simple Database System Page 19
- Function:
- _________
- Print a short help message
- Format:
- _______
- help
- Rules:
- ______
- 1. (none)
- SDB - a Simple Database System Page 20
- Function:
- _________
- Exit from SDB
- Format:
- _______
- exit
- Rules:
- ______
- 1. (none)
- SDB - a Simple Database System Page 21
- SDB provides a callable program interface to allow programs
- written in DECUS-C to access relation files. In order to
- use the call interface, the users program should be linked
- with the SDBUSR.OBJ object library. Also, additional stack
- space should be allocated at link time using the /BOTTOM
- qualifier on the link command. /BOTTOM:3000 seems to work
- well, but it is probably possible to get away with less.
- Example:
- ________
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "sdb.h"
- main()
- {
- DB_SEL *sptr;
- char payee[100],amount[100];
- /* setup retrieval */
- if ((sptr = db_retrieve("checks where amount > 25.00")) == NULL) {
- printf("*** error: %s ***\n",db_ertxt(dbv_errcode));
- exit();
- }
- /* bind user variables to attributes */
- db_bind(sptr,"checks","payee",payee);
- db_bind(sptr,"checks","amount",amount);
- /* loop through selection */
- while (db_fetch(sptr))
- printf("%s\t%s\n",payee,amount);
- /* finish selection */
- db_done(sptr);
- }
- SDB - a Simple Database System Page 22
- Function:
- _________
- Setup a tuple retrieval context
- Format:
- _______
- dbptr = db_retrieve(sexpr [ ,arg ]...)
- Rules:
- ______
- 1. sexpr is a pointer to a string containing an rse
- 2. arg is a "printf" argument
- 3. dbptr is a database context pointer
- 4. db_retrieve returns NULL on errors
- 5. on errors, the error code is in dbv_errcode
- SDB - a Simple Database System Page 23
- Function:
- _________
- Fetch the next set of tuples from a retrieval context
- Format:
- _______
- db_fetch(dbptr)
- Rules:
- ______
- 1. dbptr is a database context pointer
- 2. updates the values of all bound user variables
- 3. db_fetch returns FALSE if no more tuples match or
- if an error occurs
- 4. on errors, the error code is in dbv_errcode
- SDB - a Simple Database System Page 24
- Function:
- _________
- Update the current tuple within a retrieval context
- Format:
- _______
- db_update(dbptr)
- Rules:
- ______
- 1. dbptr is a database context pointer
- 2. db_update returns FALSE if an error occurs
- 3. on errors, the error code is in dbv_errcode
- SDB - a Simple Database System Page 25
- Function:
- _________
- Store a new tuple within a retrieval context
- Format:
- _______
- db_store(dbptr)
- Rules:
- ______
- 1. dbptr is a database context pointer
- 2. db_store returns FALSE if an error occurs
- 3. on errors, the error code is in dbv_errcode
- SDB - a Simple Database System Page 26
- Function:
- _________
- Bind a user variable to the value of a tuple attribute
- within a retrieval context
- Format:
- _______
- db_bind(dbptr,rname,aname,value)
- Rules:
- ______
- 1. dbptr is a database context pointer
- 2. rname is a pointer to the relation name
- 3. aname is a pointer to the attribute name
- 4. value is a pointer to a character array to receive
- the attribute value
- 5. db_bind returns FALSE if an error occurs
- 6. on errors, the error code is in dbv_errcode
- SDB - a Simple Database System Page 27
- Function:
- _________
- Get the value of a tuple attribute within a retrieval
- context
- Format:
- _______
- db_get(dbptr,rname,aname,value)
- Rules:
- ______
- 1. dbptr is a database context pointer
- 2. rname is a pointer to the relation name
- 3. aname is a pointer to the attribute name
- 4. value is a pointer to a character array to receive
- the attribute value
- 5. db_get returns FALSE if an error occurs
- 6. on errors, the error code is in dbv_errcode
- SDB - a Simple Database System Page 28
- Function:
- _________
- Put the value of a tuple attribute within a retrieval
- context
- Format:
- _______
- db_put(dbptr,rname,aname,value)
- Rules:
- ______
- 1. dbptr is a database context pointer
- 2. rname is a pointer to the relation name
- 3. aname is a pointer to the attribute name
- 4. value is a pointer to the new value
- 5. db_put returns FALSE if an error occurs
- 6. on errors, the error code is in dbv_errcode
- SDB - a Simple Database System Page 29
- Function:
- _________
- Discontinue usage of a retrieval context
- Format:
- _______
- db_done(dbptr)
- Rules:
- ______
- 1. dbptr is a database context pointer
- SDB - a Simple Database System Page 30
- Function:
- _________
- Translate an error code to an error message text
- Format:
- _______
- db_ertxt(errcode)
- Rules:
- ______
- 1. errcode is an SDB error code
- 2. db_ertxt returns a pointer to the error message
- text